Call me a naive Babysitter’s Club byproduct, but I can’t wax enough poetic to female friendships. In an ecosystem where every other touchpoint – men, work, even family – are often imbued with headache and chaos, friends are akin to a glass of Sauvignon Blanc – predictable, dependable, a surefire temporary refuge from your issue du jour. Having stumbled upon many of those over the years, I couldn’t be more grateful to my globally-dispersed gaggle of girlfriends for their emotional support and endless patience!
I say “gaggle,” because it often takes a small village of friends to pick you up from life’s proverbial gutter and hustle you back to sanity. Just like one should not expect their partner to fulfill all their needs, one cannot realistically expect one friend to simultaneously fill the role of mentor, advisor, wing woman, cozy shoulder to cry on, etc. Instead, it is best to amass a handful of trusted confidants to emotionally exploit rely on in the perennial hamster wheel that is life. Without further ado, here they are, in diminishing order of importance.
P.S. Don’t forget that friendship is a two-way street and all that. Where a lot is given, a lot is expected!