The Story of Failed Serendipity


This was supposed to be a Notebook kind of story, the type of plot that goes on to inspire major motion pictures. Instead, it’s just a sad recount that proves that I was set up for disaster from a young age.

Let’s rewind back a good 13 years, to a time when I was a cute Russian teenager skiing with my family in Germany. I had a new red ski jacket and had just convinced my mother to allow me to get blond highlights, coming close to my dreams of emulating Stacey McGill or Jessica Wakefield.

In an act of teenage rebellion, I dedicated the trip to teaching myself how to snowboard, while the rest of my family (4-year-old nephew included) skied ahead of me. Left to my own devices, I soon discovered that doing nothing ‘chilling’ was actually part of the snowboarding culture, and began joining the fellow teen slackers perched on the side of the slopes. Read More

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From Russia With Love

This is me, obviously. 
Oh, Russia..
Considering the recent news events that have left my motherland in an infinite PR crisis, I’m not quite sure how to approach this contentious topic. I recently spent a week in my native Saint-Petersburg and was left with a rather hesitant opinion on the country and the Orwellian direction its heading into. However, I will refrain from politics and stick to my niche, focusing on truly important matters, such as the Russian dating scene. 

I have to admit I made very little effort to do exploratory research for this post. Unless you’re from an urban metropolis, hometowns are possibly the least inspiring place to attempt dating, mainly out of that jaded understanding of the city and its inhabitants. Saint-Petersburg, in particular, has a rather low influx of newcomers  leaving the chance of meeting a perspective somebody at slim to none. Nonetheless, I did gather some general observations that will just have to suffice. 

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The Story of Mr. Mickey


Today, I bring to you another story of the Loggster, my ultra-talented friend who once had  Jake Gyllenhaal dump her 2 days before New Years. Luckily for me (and you guys) this girl seems to be a gift that just keeps on giving.

This past January, the Loggster met a guy on Tinder. (Where else? Seriously, where else?) He was visiting from Miami, and on the first date he informed her that he liked to vacation at Disney World, because, I quote (like there is any fucking way I could make this up), “it reminds him of different parts of the world”. Read More

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What British Men Can Learn from French Men & Vice Versa


If I had a dollar for every time somebody advised me to go to London, to “find a boyfriend”, I would have money. Real money. (If I had a British pound, I would be rich.) The way people talk, you would think single financiers are lining up at St Pancras by the dozen, eager to give up their signet rings for the first cute girl to step off the Eurostar. 

In an effort to explore this popular notion, not to mention temporarily escape the slightly suffocating ambiance of Paris, I recently started spending more time in London. Upon arrival, I always feel somewhat like a kid at Dylan’s Candy Bar, awed by the overwhelming number of cute boys in suits permeating the streets of Mayfair. These guys seem to combine the best of both worlds, possessing the refinement of Europeans, while still retaining the Anglo-Saxon desire to work and make money. You begin believing that you too, can pull a Bridget Jones, unlocking the mysterious heart of your own Mark Darcy. Read More


The Dbag Dating Guide to Tinder


Sorry I have been out of commission people – real life got in the way. (Let’s see how well that whole thing goes.)

In any case, I’m back and eager to feed your brains with completely useless information on this cold Tuesday morning. (If you work in fashion and are creeping towards the finish line that is the end of Fashion Week, this is my way of inspiring you to get excited about life beyond the condemns of Céline!)

As you guys may know by my numerous references, I happen to love Tinder. In fact, I credit this simple, yet instinctively brilliant application for dramatically revolutionizing my love life. Where there used to be bare land, there is now a garden blooming! Up until recently, a garden full of weeds, but a garden nonetheless.

And so today, I would like to give y’all a gardening lesson in form of a Dbag Dating Tinder 101. Read More

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The Tale of Shallow Hal

Disclaimer: The author of this post is not at all shallow; in fact, he’s a really nice guy who was simply dealt a hand of shit dating luck. The title was selected by the (evil) editor because she thought it was funny, given the circumstances. 

And now for a completely different perspective, not often seen on Dbag Dating: the ultimate date horror story from a guy’s point of viewTo make it even more of an outlier for DD, this is the perspective of someone who, at the age of 42, falls just outside of this site’s primary age demographic.

A little background on myself, I’m (obviously) single, have never been married, and, until very recently, had never availed myself to the intriguing world of online dating.  In early December 2013, after my girlfriend and I broke up (i.e., she dumped me), I joined a dating site specific to Greeks because, duh, I am Greek and figured that, since I’ve had no luck meeting “that special someone” on my own, maybe it was time to take the leap.  Well, I did meet that special someone alright – the girl who soon would get voted into the “Worst Dates Of All Time” Hall of Fame.

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